Determinied Ineligible for Special Education May Not Request Again for a Year

Committee for the Blind and Visually Handicapped

Located within the Office of Children and Family Services, CBVH is responsible for the administration of programs and services to legally bullheaded individuals to enhance independence and facilitate opportunities to participate in the community. CBVH provides a range of services for individuals who are legally blind through the independent living and vocational rehabilitation provisions of the Federal Rehabilitation Act, also every bit through programs serving children and older individuals who are bullheaded. For data about CBVH, call 1-866-871-3000 (TTY: 1-866-871-6000).

Commissioner for Quality Care

The Commission on Quality of Care's Advocacy Services Bureau coordinates a statewide protection and advancement program for people with disabilities and their families. The Bureau offers training programs to help parents sympathise special didactics laws and regulations. These programs are co-sponsored by local groups. For data well-nigh the Advancement Services Bureau, call (518) 381-7098 (collect) or contact the website at

Coordinated Children Services Initiative

The Coordinated Children Services Initiative (CCSI) is a multi-agency initiative that assists localities in providing children with emotional and behavioral disabilities at risk of residential placement with services in their homes, schools and communities. The goal of CCSI is to reduce residential placements past developing a local infrastructure that brings together child serving systems to provide a comprehensive and integrated system of intendance that supports families in staying together. For more than information contact VESID at (518) 473-9307.

Office of Mental Health

The Office of Mental Health (OMH) is responsible for developing plans, programs and services for the intendance, treatment, rehabilitation, education and training of individuals with mental illness. The Function provides straight services at 19 developed, six children's and three forensic psychiatric centers and provides fund allocation and certification of non-State-operated mental health programs. For more than information contact the Bureau of Children and Family Services at (518) 474-8394 or visit the OMH web site at link .

Function of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities

The Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) operates 13 Developmental Disabilities Services Offices (DDSOs) responsible for providing intendance, treatment, habilitation and rehabilitation services to individuals with mental retardation and developmental disabilities. In partnership with consumers, families, staff, private providers and local governments, the DDSO'southward provide person-centered help to improve the quality of life of individuals and their families through the provision of housing, employment and family back up services. For more than information contact (518) 473-9689 or visit the OMRDD web site at link.

Function of Children and Family unit Services

The Role of Children and Family Services (OCFS) provides operational support and policy direction to local social services districts and youth bureaus across the State and is responsible for the operation of 48 statewide residential and day placement facilities for youth. Programs and services provided through OCFS include child and adult protective, child welfare, domestic violence, pregnancy prevention; family services, youth development and delinquency prevention; juvenile justice; and afterwards care programs. For more than data contact (518) 473-7793 or visit the OCFS website at link

Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services

The Office of Alcoholism and Substance Corruption Services (OASAS) administers a comprehensive program of prevention, intervention and treatment services for persons addicted to alcohol and other drugs. OASAS plans, develops and regulates the Country's system of alcoholism and substance abuse treatment agencies; operates thirteen Alcoholism Handling Centers; licenses and regulates local, community-based providers of inpatient, outpatient and residential services; and monitors programs to ensure quality of intendance and compliance with State and national standards. For more data contact (518) 473-3460 or visit the OASAS web site at http://world wide link


Annual Review
Attorneys' Fees
Courtroom Appeals
Committee on Preschool Special Didactics
Commission on Special Educational activity
Disciplinary Procedures
Due Procedure Rights
Educational Records
Guardian advertizement litem
Impartial Hearings
Impartial Hearing Officer
Acting Alternative Educational Setting
Independent Educational Evaluation (Revised February 2001)
Individualized Education Programme (IEP)
Individuals with Disabilities Pedagogy Act
Least Restrictive Environment
Manifestation Decision
Parent Centers
Planning Alee
Reimbursement for Private School Placement
School Based Support Squad
Special Instruction Regional Offices
Special Education Training Resource Centers (SETRC)
State Review Officeholder
Subcommittee on Special Teaching
Surrogate Parents
Transition Services


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